Category Archives: beginning

Necesito una siestaaa.

Ok so I am finally feeling settled in and think that my jet lag is wearing off! Yesterday, I got my international phone situation figured out and applied for my metro card. It takes 20 days to be processed which came as a surprise, but I am going to try to walk more places and take the subway only when I need to so that I can save some dinero!

Yesterday we took a walking tour around the Puerta del Sol which included going through and around the Plaza Mayor and ended near the Palacio Real. It is so amazing all the tiny sidestreets, little restaurants, shops, and surprises that surround the area. Not to mention, the history behind each and every building is so rich and endless. I definitely am planning on taking a day or two and walking around more so that I can explore but it was nice to get out and see it with a group.


I had a heavy dinner when I got back of rice, chicken (fried in egg), croquetes (mini corn-dog looking things that are a mix of flour and milk then fried), bread, and some oranges. She also gave me ketchup which she said was to put on my rice (?). It was good but I kindly had to tell her afterwards that I just could not eat that much food. She said not to worry and I feel better now since I had been feeling a little guilty about never being able to finish all the food that is made for me!

After dinner I was out like a light for almost an hour when I realized I was supposed to meet people to go out! I quickly raced to the metro and met my group. We went out for gelato (my first of the trip!)

And I'm sure not my last.

And I'm sure not my last.

Later we ended up walking around the Puerta del Sol, stopping in a few places but overall, nothing too exciting! The metro closes at 1:30 so I had to plan for that! Once I got back I finally slept soundly until I woke up this morning for classes! I have no plans the rest of the afternoon so I’m excited to go take a siesta, maybe explore the park and what is around my apartment, and hopefully do something fun tonight!

Tomorrow morning I have to wake up and meet a group at 8:30 to take a tour of Segovia! I’ll let ya know how it goes. Hasta luego!

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Filed under beginning, food, learning


Hello all! Wow. I’m finally taking a second to relax and write since I have been go, go, go since I got to Madrid. I do not know why I thought it would be cute to get here the day Orientation started… but I did. I definitely could have used one day of relaxation just to run around and sort out phones and such but slowly but surely I am getting all settled in.

I am living with a Señora who has 8 kids (the youngest one is in her forties) so needless to say, she’s a bit old. She does not speak any English which will be a good thing but a little complicated when you are trying to describe what the word for tape is and can barely find the right words to describe it. It seems like everything will work out with the living situation. I have a big room with ample space. The only downers include the lack of AC (but it gets pretty cool at night), no WiFi, and the fact we’re all alone. A lot of the other students have one other student living in their casa with them but I’m sure as long as I keep myself busy the time I spend by myself will be greatly appreciated.

I’m still adjusting to the time schedule. I keep waking up around 2am and can’t fall asleep til about 4am and then wake up at 7 to start the day! I’m just trying not to think about it and hopefully I will adjust after this weekend.

Yesterday was the first day of classes, after a written and oral exam they put me at the Advanced Level with 4 Native speakers and 2 girls from France (grrreat). But no. It really is fine. The first 4 weeks we just take a language, culture, and conversation class. Already I feel my Spanish getting better, I just need to keep pushing myself.

Yesterday, I went to the Parque del Buen Retiro with a group of girls and it was so big and beautiful. I definitely want to go back and walk around more.


Later, I went over to visit my friend Taylor from high school and see her apartment. It’s SO nice and I’m a bit jealous but I’m sure I can use it as an escape from time to time. Thankfully, it’s really close to me.

The food is a little tough to adjust to. They don’t eat dinner til 8:30 and when you’re waking up at 7 it’s hard to plan out your meals, what to eat, and when to eat it. I’m slowly but surely adjusting, it’s just part of the move!

Ok, I do still need to figure out my phone situation and buy a metro card (the metro system is amazing here!) but I will definitely start writing more as I feel less crazed.


Filed under beginning, learning

America No More.

I’ve finally arrived in Frankfurt and what a journey it has been. Ok, not really. Things actually went pretty smoothly. I left Denver around 6pm so had the full day to make sure that I was really ready. After being supplied with ample music from the wonderful Lizzy, I went for one final lunch to Karl’s Deli for some Wienerschnitzel (to get me in the German mood maybe?) and to say bye to my uncle and grandparents. When we got back to the house, my dad was a bit worried about the size of my bags and so, to avoid an airport debacle, we headed to FedEx to weigh my bags. Lo and behold, they weighed 61 pounds and 56 pounds… That meant 16 pounds needed to come out or we’d be paying a fortune at check-in. So an hour before I left, the bags were unpacked and sacrifices were made. It’s a good thing we did it though because I do not want to think of the stress that would have incurred at the airport. Needless to say, I weighed in there at the exact limit on both bags.

I ran into an old friend from Creek who was on my flight to Frankfurt so thankfully had someone to distract me whilst waiting for the plane to board. This past week I had full intentions of watching both 17 Again and Hannah Montana: The Movie, but failed in both. So imagine my happiness when I saw both as options on my plane ride! I was ecstatic. But really.

And so begins my flight. After watching both movies, drinking two glasses of red wine (whoops?) and eating a sandwich, brownie, and salad, I was ready for bed. Turned out to be more of a 3 hour nap, as I was awoken for breakfast. Even though I was not that hungry I decided I am going to try to adjust to the time difference ASAP so ate breakfast and have since stayed awake, even though it is 4 AM and I am running on three hours of sleep. I’m thinking I’ll sleep on the quick flight to Madrid!

I must say I love the Germans. While going through security one of my bags got pulled aside because they saw two bottles. Two bottles? I knew I had my Sigg but he told me I had another one that would hold alcohol. Then, I remembered I had a flask in my bag holding all of my electronic cords and chargers. He opened and smelt the empty container and preceded to ask me  what had filled it. I can’t even remember the last time I used it but smelt it, as well, and realized it was some very fragrant Passionfruit Vodka. I told him and for some strange reason, he got a kick out of it and proceeded to let me go!

That brings me to this gate. I do not know the next time I will have internet so we will see but it is official. I am abroad!

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Filed under beginning

Wait, what?!

Tomorrow is the big day! I can’t believe it’s finally here. This entire summer I feel like “I’m going to Madrid August 31st so I still have a lot of time,” has become my catchphrase. Well, guess what? August 31st has arrived and I will be on a plane to Frankfurt, Germany in 24 hours… This leaves me just enough time to run, go to My Favorite Muffin, pack my toiletries, go to Karl’s Deli, and get to the airport! I feel ready but still don’t feel like it’s actually happening. I think it will hit me the moment the plane takes off.

My bags are stuffed. I really could not imagine fitting one more item in any of them so I hope things go smoothly tomorrow and re-arranging is not in store because we could have many problems.

Like I’ve said before, I am going to try to post as often as possible so stay tuned and please leave me comments with updates on your lives as well because I am ever-curious! For now, I’m gonna get some sleep so I can be on top of my game tomorrow and make sure I do not forget anything!

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Filed under beginning

Package Perfection


My new TOMS

My new TOMS!

They came, they came, they came! 

So those who know me, know that I am obsessed with TOMS shoes. After a brief stint of working for them last summer, I instantly fell in love with the styles and comfortableness of these shoes. This summer, I wear my two pairs interchangeably to one of my jobs because they are so comfortable and understated. 

I knew that I wanted a new pair before I go to Europe so patiently waited for the new fall styles to come out. I ordered them last week and they finally came and let me just say, I’m obsessed. These are by far my favorite style of the ones that I have and I feel like they will be perfect for Spain! 

I also hit up Nordstrom Anniversary Sale last week to grab things like a new Northface, some pants, and other shoes that I know I will want this fall!

I got my travel books in the mail too so am started to get all prepped and ready for this adventure!


Filed under beginning

Coming at you soon!

Hi guys! So it’s true, I’m leaving late August to head to Madrid, Spain to study until December 19th! I’m really excited but very nervous at the same time. I will be studying in the Hispanic Studies program at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and hopefully racking up credits to go towards my Spanish major. My goal is to be fluent by the time I leave which means talking in English as little as possible. I’m also planning on travelling lots around different parts of Europe and taking full advantage of all the opportunities I have overseas. I hear that the semester flies by so I will be sure to not take one moment for granted. Even so, I will make sure to write as often as possible so that I don’t lose contact with everyone back at home! Soooo stay tuned!

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